Lok Sabha Election / He is just an MP, in what capacity will he debate with PM, BJP's answer to Rahul

Vikrant Shekhawat : May 12, 2024, 08:52 AM
Lok Sabha Election: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has targeted Rahul Gandhi over the debate with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. BJP has said in what capacity it will debate with Prime Minister Modi. Rahul Gandhi is neither the Leader of Opposition, nor the President of the Congress Party, nor the Chairman of the INDI alliance…he is just an MP. BJP spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi said that the country knows the level of debate of Rahul Gandhi on any topic.

He said that there is a recent video of Rahul Gandhi, in which he is telling that the engineering questions and their answers in IIT are not based on the principles of engineering but on the basis that the person asking and answering the question belongs to a particular caste. Is. Sudhanshu Trivedi further said that the one who can see why GST and demonetization did not happen in Mahabharata, is he eligible to debate with anyone?

Congress should not use brand Modi for Rahul - Malviya

At the same time, BJP IT Cell chief Amit Malviya said that the point of debate is right but why debate with the Prime Minister? He is neither the Congress President nor the PM face of the Indi alliance. Malviya said that Congress should stop using brand Modi to re-launch Rahul Gandhi.

BJP pointed out Rahul Gandhi's track record in Parliament

BJP's national spokesperson Jaiveer Shergill has also targeted Rahul Gandhi. He gave information about Rahul Gandhi's track record in Parliament. Attendance 51 percent, national average 79 percent, number of debates 8, national average 46.7 percent, number of questions asked 99, national average 210.

Rahul said ready for debate with PM Modi

Let us tell you that former Supreme Court judge and some journalists had invited Rahul Gandhi and Prime Minister Modi for a debate, which Rahul Gandhi accepted. Rahul said that I am ready to debate with Modi, but I know he will not debate with me. Rahul said that for a healthy democracy, it would be a positive initiative for the major parties to present their vision to the country from one platform. Congress welcomes this initiative and accepts the invitation for discussion. The country also expects the Prime Minister to participate in this dialogue.

Who sent the invitation for debate?

Invitations for the debate have been sent to both the leaders by former Supreme Court judge Madan B Lokur, former Delhi High Court Chief Justice Ajit P Shah and former editor in chief of The Hindu N Ram.