NEET 2021 Preparation / How difficult was NEET 2020? Read here to strategize preparation for NEET 2021

Vikrant Shekhawat : Nov 24, 2020, 07:03 PM

NEET 2020 was concluded successfully this year, after getting delayed several times, amid COVID-19. The 2nd round of NEET 2020 Counselling has just concluded. The exam is expected to happen tentatively in May, 2021. Hence, preparations must be in full-swing among the aspirants for the exam. Here, we will share the difficulty level of the NEET 2020 exam to help candidates preparing for the exam next year. Students can refer to the information here to strategize accordingly. 

NEET 2020 - The Paper Analysis

The NEET 2020 exam included three subjects, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The syllabus is based on Class 11 & 12 studies. Check the difficulty level below:

  1. NEET 2020, Physics Section: This section was considered the toughest amongst all other sections. Candidates had to crack conceptual-based and tricky questions within the available time.

  2. Chemistry Section: NEET 2020 Chemistry section was considered moderately complex as many direct questions from NCERT books were asked in the exam.

  3. NEET 2020, Biology Section: This section had the maximum number of questions. The Biology questions are time-consuming and descriptive, so it took more time to solve them accurately.

The paper’s overall level was considered average, and the paper was prepared, keeping in mind the latest exam trends and pattern. As compared to the 2019 exam, the NEET 2020 exam was relatively easy. 

The NEET paper 2020 came in 20 codes, an increase from 12 codes in 2019.  Apart from this, Biology was the critical section as there are a few questions in the Botany paper, which were difficult and were included to check the candidates’ intelligence level. 

The Chemistry paper was easy. The physics paper was simple, but some students found this section a bit longer due to numerical calculations. 

Most of the questions present in the NEET exam 2020 were from the NCERT books. In the Physics section, out of 45 questions, seven questions were considered difficult, and the same level of difficulty was observed in the Chemistry section.

A Brief Details about NEET 2020 

In 2020, 13 lakh 26 thousand 725 students registered for the NEET 2020 exam in India, and close to 2 thousand 225 examination centres were set up across different cities. 11 thousand 100 students registered from Kota city and 20 examination centres were set up there.





Total questions




Total questions asked from class 11th




Total questions asked from class 12th




Difficulty level




NEET 2021 - Prep Tips 

Now let’s discuss preparation strategies that help prepare for the NEET 2021 exam.

Get familiarity with the exam schedule.

It is one of the most important preparation strategies, which helps a lot while preparing for the exam. Candidates preparing for this exam must stay well-versed with the exam schedule to make their time table accordingly.

NEET 2021 Important Dates

Important events

NEET Dates (expected)

NEET application form release date

December, First week 2020

Deadline to apply

December, Last week 2020

Admit card release date

April First week, 2021

NEET 2021 date of the exam

May 2, 2021

Result declaration

June First week, 2021

Stay updated with the latest syllabus.

Candidates must stay well versed with the latest NEET Exam Pattern and Syllabus if they want to get a good score in the exam. Since the syllabus is huge and includes topics and concepts from different sections, including Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, it is essential to understand important topics. While preparing for 2021, don’t forget to look at the NEET 2020 exam pattern as it will help know the latest trend and kinds of questions asked in the exam.

Study smartly

The above NEET 2020 paper analysis will help you categorize the topics in terms of difficulty. Once you have segregated easy, moderate, and difficult topics in the syllabus, you must now make a detailed exam strategy to focus on all the topics. It’s not about how you work hard, but it’s about preparing for the exam within the allotted time to deliver better results. Some vital points that must be considered while preparing for the NEET 2021 include:

  • An effective study plan focuses on learning, practising, and revising. It would help if you did not skip any of this.

  • Rather than skipping difficult topics of NEET 2020 exam, try to study them thoroughly and wisely to understand the same better.

  • Divide problematic sections into topics and sub-topics so that you can easily understand them.

  • Develop a habit of penning down important definitions, formulas, derivations, experiments, etc., so that you can revise them quickly later.

  • Develop a habit to practice more flow charts and ray diagrams, along with studying the chapters.

  • Candidates can set bi-weekly and monthly targets for themselves and try to achieve them within the allotted period.

  • Following all these tips will help you learn better and quicker.

Books are our best friends.

Books are our best friends. It is important to refer to the best-recommended books that help prepare for the exam. Since most of the questions come directly from the NCERT books in the form of one-liners or statements, it is vital to check the best books.  

Candidates can take help of their teachers while selecting the best study material along with checking NEET 2020 topper’s tips and recommended books while preparing for 2021. Some of the books that can be referred to while preparing for the exam are:




Concepts of Physics written by H.C. Verma

Objective Physics written by DC Pandey

Fundamental Physics written by Pradeep

Physical Chemistry written by OP Tandon

ABC of Chemistry for Class 11 and 12 by Modern

Dinesh Chemistry Guide

Arihant Publication’s Objective chemistry.

Biology Vol 1 and 2 by Trueman

Pradeep Guide on Biology

NEET exploring biology Vol 1 and 2

GR Bathla Publication on Biology

Practice more

Practice makes us perfect, so do more practice while preparing for the NEET 2021. Since this is a time constraint exam, your focus must be to do more questions within the available time. You can do more mock tests to judge your performance and help you know about your stronger and weaker points. 

Also, solve more of the last year’s papers and check out the NEET 2020 exam to understand the questions asked in the exam. Candidates can prepare well for the 2021 exam if they include mock tests and practice papers as part of their preparation strategy.

So, here you have all information about NEET 2020 Difficulty Level and some of the preparation tips that will help a lot while preparing for the exam in 2021. Though hard work is vital, at the same time, staying healthy and fit is equally important. Don’t think too much about the exam and how to crack the same, as it might make the situation more stressful. Eat good food and stay healthy, along with studying hard to crack NEET 2021.