COVID-19 Update / 1 lakh more people died than government figures, see the truth of the investigation of 5 states

The corona virus pandemic has wreaked havoc in India. An average of 840 people died every day in India since the start of the pandemic in March 2020. According to official figures, this number is about three percent of the total daily deaths (deaths separated from corona) in the country. In the investigation of only 5 states,

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 24, 2021, 06:37 AM
The corona virus pandemic has wreaked havoc in India. An average of 840 people died every day in India since the start of the pandemic in March 2020. According to official figures, this number is about three percent of the total daily deaths (deaths separated from corona) in the country. In the investigation of only 5 states, there is a gap of more than 1 lakh between the official figures of death due to corona and the number of people who lost their lives.

In such a situation, does this figure reflect the impact of the corona virus on the world's second most populous country in the last 15 months? To know this, Aaj Tak investigated through different data.

In fact, between April and May, when Corona was killing thousands of people in the country every day, then the number of people who lost their lives due to the virus was told in different states, it was questioned by the media from the country to the foreign media. With the allegation that more people have lost their lives than the official figures.

That is why Aaj Tak scrutinized many government documents and prepared this report after examining the number of deaths recorded in the same pages, which shows that there are more civilian deaths in the country from Corona, but fewer have been counted. It has been learned that the number of deaths due to the second wave of Corona is much higher than the official figures.

In order to get this information, Aaj Tak conducted a thorough examination of the bodies sent for last rites under the Kovid protocol from the Civil Registration System Hospitals, which keep an account of each type of death, death certificates sought from the municipal bodies.

First of all, we tried to understand the truth between the death count from Corona in India's capital Delhi and the death figures during that time. Here between April and May i.e. the time when there was a long line of funerals outside Delhi's crematoriums and electric crematoriums with Kovid protocol, but the real numbers of deaths are less visible in the pages of the government.