Special / 20 old girl born with two uteruses and two vaginas and gets double periods

Zoom News : Jul 02, 2021, 03:28 PM
Special | It has been revealed that a girl living in Pennsylvania, USA, has two reproductive systems. Because of this she has two vaginas, two uteruses and two cervixes. The 20-year-old girl has now spoken about the difficulties she faces in life due to this rare physical condition.

girl born with two private parts

20-year-old Paige DeAngelo, a resident of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, has two double reproductive systems. In medical language, it is called Uterus Didelphys i.e. any woman has two vaginas, two uterus and two cervix in her body.

girl has 2 periods

According to the report of DailyMail, Paige DeAngelo has to face a lot of problems due to two reproductive systems. DiAngelo also has two periods, which means she won't know if she's pregnant until she shows other symptoms. 

Can be pregnant in both uterus

According to the report, Paige DeAngelo can get pregnant in both her uterus at the same time, as both her reproductive systems work properly.

This was revealed 2 years ago

Paige DeAngelo was not aware of this rare physical condition until the age of 18. However, 2 years ago, when she went to the gynecologist for irregular periods, it was revealed. DiAngelo sometimes gets her period within 15 days.

This is how people react

Paige DeAngelo said, 'Whenever I tell people about my situation, people are shocked. Although everyone thinks that two vaginas are visible on the outer part of my body. Then they have to explain that it is not so. Had it been so, it would have been known earlier. DiAngelo told that this was revealed after doing MRI.

Questions arise about sex life

Paige DeAngelo said, 'Often people also raise questions about my sex life and then they have to assure that because of this there is no problem in my sex life.' DeAngeles told that through Facebook and Tiktok, I have connected with girls suffering from this type of physical condition. Most of the women have suffered miscarriages.