Bollywood / Ananya Pandey shared the glamorous look of mother Bhavna, Chunky Pandey's wife was seen in bikini top

Ananya Pandey is the emerging actress of Bollywood. He debuted Bollywood with Student of the Year 2 and gradually deposited foot in the film industry. Ananya lives in the discussion of his beauty and glamor. But Ananya's mother and Chunky Pandey's wife spirit Pandey is not less than the daughter.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 20, 2021, 04:53 PM
Ananya Pandey is the emerging actress of Bollywood. He debuted Bollywood with Student of the Year 2 and gradually deposited foot in the film industry. Ananya lives in the discussion of his beauty and glamor. But Ananya's mother and Chunky Pandey's wife spirit Pandey is not less than the daughter.

Ananya has shared photos of mother spirit on Instagram Story. In a picture, the spirit bikini is seen in the top of the sport bra. Their these throbeak photos show the glamorous side of the spirit.

Ananya has praised her mother on the first photo, in the second, she wrote - 'Why do not you keep these cool clothes for me?' They can be estimated to see that the feeling was not less beautiful than the daughter in Teenage.

Emotion Pandey has taken the training of Air Hostess after studying abroad. His and Chunky's Love Story was quite fun. Both of them were in the discotheque. Here's the heart of Chunky.

Tirinagar Chunky had told his first date that he asked for his brother's BMW convertible and took the spirit and his friends to Ride. It was also a reason to impress the feeling behind this ride.

Chunky also said that he used to talk to 20 hours. Those days std and ISD calls used to be very expensive. Chunky's Marriage Proposal was quite interesting. He told the tales of proposal and said that he used to go to Delhi often to meet the spirit.

One day Chunky told the feeling- 'This is a very expensive relationship. Let's try to reduce prices and live in the same city, get married '. And in this way Chunky had proposed the feeling for marriage.

Today there are two daughters of Chunky and spirit. Ananya has taken an entry in Bollywood, while the second daughter is still small.

Talk to Ananya, he has worked in her husband wife and she, after debuting Karan Johar's film. In the empty yellow, the work of Ananya was appreciated.

Now his upcoming film is Like, which has been done with Ananya's pairing South Star Vijay Devarakonda. The photos of both the film's shooting location came out. Fans are eagerly waiting to see them together on the screen.