COVID-19 Update / Corona is troubling these patients for a long time, new problems are happening

Many studies are going throughout the world to understand the symptoms of Corona patients. It has been reported in a new study that almost every fifth patient without symptoms has experienced Long Kovid a month later. That is, after a month in these patients, there was some problem related to Corona. If the symptoms are not serious, most patients are treated only by staying in isolation at home.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 17, 2021, 06:33 AM
Many studies are going throughout the world to understand the symptoms of Corona patients. It has been reported in a new study that almost every fifth patient without symptoms has experienced Long Kovid a month later. That is, after a month in these patients, there was some problem related to Corona. If the symptoms are not serious, most patients are treated only by staying in isolation at home.

This study has done an American NGO Fair Health on the basis of the claimed insurance of 19 lakh people there. NGO President Robin Galebard said, "In spite of low signs of Kovid-19, many people are affecting this long. '

Galbard said, the results of the study put the necessary light on this important issue. This will help Long Kovid's patients, insurance policy making, those who sell it, those who pay for it and researchers will also help. '

Long Kovid's danger - Long Kovid patients remain more than four weeks. Study found that the pain in the people of all ages troubled by Long Kovid, difficulty in breathing, hi cholesterol, restlessness, very fatigue and high blood pressure problem.

After 30 or more time of recovering from Corona, the possibility of dying of patients was 46 times more, which was admitted to the hospital after the detection of this disease and after recovering he was discharged. At the same time, the number of death was less in the hospital.

According to the study, 19 percent of Corona's acidometric patients felt Long Kovid symptoms after 30 days of treatment. These figures of hospital recruits with symptoms were up to 27.5 percent of those who do not recruit hospital despite 50 and symptoms.

These symptoms of Long Kovid to see according to age. In such a case, these problems were found in the intestine. Long Kovid symptoms were found much in women compared to men. Most men have seen the problem of swelling of the heart in most men. One quarter part of these cases was 19-29 age group. Apart from this, many people were seen anxiety, depression and adjustments disorder.

Long Kovid is also called Kovid Syndrome or Post-Acute Sequel. So far, the reasons have not been found properly. According to the study, one reason behind this can be that the virus damages the nervous system in the early stages of the disease. It is very slow okay and in such a situation the low level virus remains in the body.