Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 12, 2021, 10:53 AM
Coronavirus in India, Covid-19 Active Cases Latest Updates: The number of Corona patients in the country is constantly decreasing. In India, more than one lakh new cases of Kovid -19 have been revealed in the 5th day, while the number of deaths is still more. According to the Union Health Ministry, the National Rate (Recovery Rate) of Correct Patients has become 95.07 percent.According to the Central Health Ministry (Health Ministry of India), 84 thousand new Corona Case (New Corona Case) has come out in the last 24 hours, which are the lowest new case coming in a day so far. While the death of death is not yet. In the last one day, more than 4 thousand Corona patients have broken. At present, Koreona is less than 11 lakh activists. Central Health Ministry Saturday (June 12, 2021) Koreona figures released at 8 o'clock ....Total new cases in 24 hours - 84,332Total recovered in 24 hours - 1,21,311Total deaths in 24 hours- 4,002Total figure of Corona infected in the country- 2,93,59,155Number of patients so far in the country - 2,79,11,384Total figure of those who die from Corona in the country- 3,67,081Koreona's total active case in India - 10,80,690Total Vacation - 24,96,00,304According to the Ministry of Health, the cases of Corona decreased by 78 percent. The number of cases per day in 24 states has decreased from one thousand. This week, the cases of Corona have seen a decrease of 31 percent. 69.07% cash from five states is 18.69% of total new cases.The most new cases in these states last 24 hoursTamilnadu-15,759 CaseKerala- 14,233 CaseMaharashtra- 11,766 CaseKarnataka-8,249 CaseAndhra Pradesh- 8,239 CasesCorona case in Delhi, the rate of infection 0.31%
On Friday, 238 new cases of Corona virus infection in Delhi, which is the lowest number of cases in the last three months. According to the data released by the Health Department, the rate of Corona infection has dropped to 0.31 percent in the national capital.
Harshavardhan Bole - Do not negligence due to decrease in Kovid-19 casesCentral Health Minister Harshvardhan said on Friday that due to the decrease in cases of Kovid-19, there should not be a feeling of slowness. He said that the second wave of the epidemic came due to not wearing masks, not to wear it and not follow the related rules of Covid.
On Friday, 238 new cases of Corona virus infection in Delhi, which is the lowest number of cases in the last three months. According to the data released by the Health Department, the rate of Corona infection has dropped to 0.31 percent in the national capital.
Harshavardhan Bole - Do not negligence due to decrease in Kovid-19 casesCentral Health Minister Harshvardhan said on Friday that due to the decrease in cases of Kovid-19, there should not be a feeling of slowness. He said that the second wave of the epidemic came due to not wearing masks, not to wear it and not follow the related rules of Covid.