COVID-19 Update / Do not ignore these symptoms visible in the body, it is a warning sign of lack of protein

Zoom News : Jul 30, 2021, 12:56 PM
Protein is an essential nutrient for the muscles of our body. Protein is the building block of muscles as well as our skin, enzymes and hormones. It is also very important for all the tissues of the body. Many types of physical problems increase due to lack of protein in the body. Let us tell you about some such symptoms which highlight the lack of protein in the body.

Edema- When any part of the body starts swelling or swelling starts coming in it, then in medical language it is called edema. Scientists say that this occurs due to the deficiency of human serum albumin, which is a protein present in the liquid part of blood or blood plasma. Lack of protein can also promote the problem of fluid in the abdominal cavity. So do not ignore such symptoms.

Fatty liver- Deficiency of protein can increase the problem of fatty liver or fat accumulation in the liver cells. If the lack of protein in the body is not taken care of, then this problem can take the form of fatty liver disease. This can lead to problems like inflammation of the liver, wounds in the liver or liver failure. The problem of fatty liver is usually seen in people who are obese or who consume more alcohol.

Skin, Hair and Nails- Protein deficiency often leaves its mark on the skin, hair and nails, for which proteins play a major role in the formation. For example, the skin of patients with protein deficiency begins to crack. Scars, spots and red marks start appearing on the skin. Hair starts thinning and also starts falling. In addition, the nails become very weak.

Muscle damage- Protein is the most important thing for muscles. When the supply of protein in the body starts decreasing, the body starts taking protein from the bones for body function and essential tissues. Lack of protein causes great damage to our muscles. This problem is more serious especially in the elderly.

Fractures of bones- Lack of protein does not affect muscle tissue alone, but it also has a major adverse effect on bone tissue. Lack of protein makes our bones weak and the risk of their breaking, that is, fracture, also increases significantly.

Physical development of children- Protein is not only necessary for our muscles and bones, but it is also very important for the growth of our body. Lack of protein can hamper the physical development of children. This can lead to children becoming malnourished. Several studies have come to the fore that suggest a strong link between protein and physical development.

Risk of infection- The bad effect of protein deficiency can also be seen on our immune system. The risk of exposure to infection also increases significantly due to the weakening of the immune system. Doctors say that even a small amount of protein can cause problems in the function of the immune system. According to a study, protein deficiency in elderly people for 9 consecutive weeks has a bad effect on the immune response.

The problem of obesity- Do you know that hunger is also a symptom of protein deficiency. When the body gets less protein, it signals to take protein by increasing your appetite. Experts say that consuming high-calorie food instead of protein can trigger the problem of obesity. At present, obesity itself remains a serious topic.

How to get protein- To overcome the lack of protein in the body, you can consume things like egg, curd, milk, cheese, chicken, lentils, legumes vegetables, broccoli, almonds and oats. Your body will get enough protein from these things.