Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 11, 2021, 06:49 AM
New Delhi: The Union health ministry issued a clarification on its letter to the states and union territories regarding the eVIN inventory and temperature data of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) vaccine. The letter was intended to prevent the use of such sensitive data for unauthorised commercial purposes, the ministry said."The crucial information related to specific vaccine usage trends for multiple vaccines used in Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP), and temperature-related data in respect to each such vaccine, can be used to manipulate the market as well as associated research with respect to various vaccines and cold chain equipment," it said.The ministry also highlighted that the E-Vin platform was in use to store data on vaccines for more than six years now. "It is important to note that the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is using the E-VIN electronic platform for all vaccines used under UIP for more than six years now. Sharing of sensitive E-VIN data on stocks & storage, temperature requires the Health Ministry’s prior consent," it said.The data on vaccine stocks reflects on the Co-WIN platform and it is also shared with the media and public through weekly press conferences and daily press releases, the ministry said, reiterating that its letter's intention was to prevent misuse of sensitive information."Government of India is committed to transparency in the Covid-19 vaccination programme and that is the reason it came up with a real time IT-based tracking of vaccine logistics up to beneficiaries through Co-WIN. The aim is to share the information with the general public on a regular basis," the ministry said.