Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 28, 2021, 09:19 AM
The second wave of Corona is breaking, but the fear of third wave has increased restlessness. Meanwhile, in the last 24 hours, 46,643 new cases have been revealed in the country. At the same time, deaths from Corona also decreased and this figure has gone down from thousands. On Sunday, 981 patients were killed in the country.Dalta Plus is also disturbed between the lowest Corona matters. The government has prepared a blueprint to the end of this restlessness and trouble. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the vaccine is a panacean treatment of epidemic and the vaccine is not much dangerous.The second wave of epidemic in April and May in India is now slowly breaking down. In all the states, new cases are falling every day, but the fear of the third wave is creating a new fear. Meanwhile, PM Modi has said in clear words that Vaccination is Brahmin of Corona's ignorance. From June 21 to June 26, there has been more than 50 lakh vaccinations in the country every day.> Dose of 5422891 vaccine across the country on June 22.> This figure increased to 6483589 on June 23.> On June 24, its speed was reduced and 6073436 people got vaccine.> 6120464 people got vaccinated on June 25.> More than 58 lakh people vaccinated on June 26.> While 27 June i.e. 1663137 people on Sunday, the vaccine doses.If it is left tomorrow, more than 50 lakh doses are being installed daily. The government's emphasis is now that the doctor should also be removed from the vaccination of the youth below 18 years. Desi Company Jedes Cadila is in trial last round over 18 years old. It is possible that the vaccine is ready for them till next month.The Central Government has presented an estimate about the availability of vaccine in the country, according to which a total of 135 million doses of vaccine will be available in the country during August to December. It includes 50 crore doses of Covassing, 40 million doses, 30 million bio-e, 5 million Jayadsa Cadila and 10 million doses of Sputnik V.By December 31, the target of vaccination of 93 to 94 million adult citizens has been decided. The Chairman N. of the Kovid Working Group said that there is a goal of vaccination of 1 million people daily.