Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 01, 2021, 11:01 AM
New Delhi: Since the beginning of the corona epidemic in the country, the month of May has proved to be the most dangerous. May broke all previous records in both new cases and death cases. The matter of relief is that on the last day of May the new cases have come down to 1.3 lakhs, which is the lowest in the last 54 days. Earlier on April 9, 1.5 lakh new corona patients were registered. On the other hand, when it comes to death, its number also came down to below 2500 on Monday, which is the lowest since April 22.On the other hand, in the month of May, 90.3 lakh new cases of corona were registered in just this one month. There was relief in the last few days of May but still it is 30% more than in April. A total of 69.4 lakh new cases were reported in the month of April.Talking about the statistics of death, the month of May was no less than a nightmare for India. In the month of May, about one lakh twenty thousand people died due to corona, which is two and a half times more than in April. In April, only 48,768 lives were lost from Corona. With this, if the experts believe, then this figure of death can also be more. In many cities, there was a big difference in the official figures of funerals and deaths under the Kovid protocol in crematoriums and cemeteries.Talking about the worst month of Corona in the world, before this May, the month of December proved to be the most dangerous for America. In the month of December, a total of 65.3 lakh corona cases were reported in America. The good news for India is that America was ahead in terms of corona cases per million population. While there were 20,144 cases per million population in India, there were 102,302 cases per million population in the US.January of this year was the most dangerous month for America according to the death toll. In January this year, Corona killed 99,680 people in the US. At the same time, in the month of December, 83,849 people lost their lives in America. At the same time, April of this year proved to be the fourth worst month for Brazil in terms of death. In April this year, 82,401 people lost their lives due to Corona in Brazil.