IT-S-VIRAL / Sheep pregnant with triplets made to wear bra in NZ; picture goes viral

Hindustan Times : Jan 01, 2020, 01:47 PM
A rather bizarre picture of a sheep wearing a bra has left many surprised and some amused. However, what’s more interesting is that the picture itself is the reason for the sheep’s strange attire.

A post shared on Facebook by Franklin Vets Lifestyle Farms in New Zealand details that the sheep, named Rose, was pregnant with triplets. The weight of her udders caused damage to the Suspensory Ligaments in the organ. “When this happens the udder can hang so low that it can be traumatized on the ground, and unless the situation can be corrected, is a cause for euthanasia,” says the post.

In order to correct the situation, the sheep was induced and she gave birth to three lambs. To help Rose further, a maternity bra was used.

“For Roses’ own welfare her lambs are being bottle reared so Rose can dry off. The hope is that her udder will revert to a small, comfortable size, and she can just be kept on hormonal contraception throughout the natural breeding season,” explains the post further.

The hope is that this will help Rose because if it doesn’t, the only option would be a surgery to remove the udder. “But for now, her bra is working a treat, and she is comfortable and happy” it adds.

The post, since being shared on December 24, has collected quite a few reactions.

“Lucky Rose that she has a wonderful owner,” says a Facebook user. “How interesting is this!” says another. “Haven’t heard of this being done before but then I am a townie. Super idea for the poor Mumma. Glad the lambs arrived safe and sound,” says a third.

What do you think of this idea?