बॉलीवुड / फिटनेस की जुनूनी मलाइका अरोड़ा ने अब योगासन पोज से सबका ध्यान खींचा

NDTV : Jan 22, 2020, 07:55 AM
बॉलीवुड डेस्क | फिटनेस की जुनूनी मलाइका अरोड़ा (Malaika Arora) ने कपोतासन कर सबका ध्यान अपनी ओर आकर्षित किया है। इतना ही नहीं वह अपने प्रशंसकों को योगासन सीखने के लिए प्रोत्साहित भी कर रही हैं। मलाइका ने सोमवार को अपनी एक तस्वीर इंस्टाग्राम पर शेयर की, जहां वह परफेक्ट योग मुद्रा करती नजर आ रही हैं।

तस्वीर के कैप्शन में एक्ट्रेस ने लिखा, "मेरा सबसे बड़ा एक फिटनेस रूल यह कि छुट्टी हो या न हो वर्कआउट नहीं रुकना चाहिए। अपने शेड्यूल में किसी तरह के भी वर्कआउट के जरिए थोड़ा समय जरूर दें। इसी बात पर सप्ताह की शानदार शुरुआत के लिए यह ले #malaikasmondaymotivation। इस सप्ताह के पोज का नाम है मोडिफाइड रिक्लाइंड कपोतासन।"

पोस्ट के साथ ही मलाइका ने इस योगासन को करने के सही तरीके के बारे में भी बताया है।

कपोतासन के फायदे

इस योग आसन से कमर दर्द में राहत मिलती है, जिन लोगों को हाई ब्लड प्रेशर या लो ब्रड प्रेशर की दिक्कत है, उनके लिए यह योगआसन काफी फायदेमंद होता है।

योगा करते हुए मलाइका अरोड़ा का ये पहला पोस्ट नहीं है, इससे पहले भी वह कई बार योगा करते हुए नज़र आ चुकी हैं। 

एक पाद राजकपोतासन करते हुए मलाइका अरोड़ा।

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#malaikasmondaymotivation ... Hey Divas! New week, new #MoveOfTheWeek This week's pose is Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. Here's how you can do this pose - Come onto all fours with your hands shoulder width apart and about a hand span in front of your shoulders - Bring your right knee forward and place it on the floor just behind and slightly to the right of your right wrist, with your shin on a diagonal and your right heel pointing toward your left frontal hipbone - Your left quadriceps should squarely face the floor so that your leg is in a neutral position - Extend your torso forward across your right shin, walking your arms out in front of you and try to release your forehead towards the floor - Bend forward only after you've checked your alignment and pay attention to your body at all times And don't forget to tag @thedivayoga in your pictures! Looking forward to seeing some beautiful pictures this week! Happy Monday :)

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Hey there, Divas! Time to conquer the #malaikasmoveoftheweek #malaikasmondaymotivation You know what to do - - Click a picture doing the pose - Upload and tag @thedivayoga and #malaikasmoveoftheweek Here’s my #MoveOfTheWeek for you - Dhanurasana - Lie on your belly with your hands beside your torso, palms facing downwards - Exhale, bend your knees, bringing them as close as possible to your buttocks - Reach back with your hands and hold your ankles - Keep your knees hip width apart and exhale to go deeper into the pose - Breathe regularly, draw your shoulder away from your ears and gaze forward Let’s see those pictures rolling in :D #divayoga #divalife #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogagirl

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हैंडस्टैंड करती हुईं मलाइका अरोड़ा।  

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Hello Divas! . We're at the last pose of #malaikasmoveoftheweek for this decade so let's make this one count! This week's pose is a variation of a handstand. . Here's how you can do it . 1. Sit with your back pressed against the wall. Stretch your legs straight out in front of you 2. Get on all fours and place your palms where your heels were in step 1. 3. Press your palms firmly on the floor and engage your shoulders 4. Start walking your feel up the wall till your torso and legs form a 90 degrees angle 5. Keep your core and shoulders engaged as you press firmly through your palms and feet . And as always, breaaaathe and let the positivity your breathe guide you into a beautiful new year! Don't forget to tag @thedivayoga and #malaikasmoveoftheweek #mondaymotivation #malaikasmondaymotivation #divayoga #divalife #yogagirl #yogaeveryday

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 ऊर्ध्व मुख आसन करते हुए मलाइका अरोड़ा।

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#malaikasmondaymotivation ...Hey there, Divas! Let's make #2020 a fit one with our favourite challenge - #malaikasmoveoftheweek This week's pose - Upward Dog or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. Remember to tag @thedivayoga in your pictures! Here's how to do it 1. Lie on the floor with your belly on the ground 2. Stretch your legs out, with your toes touching the ground and palms placed alongside your chest, fingers spread wide 3. Inhale, and push yourself up with your arms, straightening your elbows and lifting your torso and thighs a few inches from the floor 4. Look straight ahead or slightly upwards, whatever is comfortable for you The Upward Dog pose stretches your chest, lungs, shoulder and abdomen! Talk about a super pose for a super year! #divayogastudio #divalife #divayoga #yogagirl #yogainspiration #yogalove #yogaeveryday #suryanamaskar #yogagram #yoga #stretchyourself #yogastudio

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 शीर्षासन करते हुए मलाइका अरोड़ा।

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#malaikasmoveoftheweek 'Sirsasana' Don't forget to tag @thedivayoga and #malaikasmoveoftheweek 🕶️ Repost by @reposta.app_ ——— Good morning! Welcome to the week, Divas! And welcome to #malaikasmoveoftheweek - Sirsasana- the ultimate facial for your skin! . Don't forget to tag @thedivayoga and #malaikasmoveoftheweek . Here's how to get into the pose - Squat on your toes, come down on your knees - Interlock your fingers, moving your body forward placing your forearms on the floor - Place the crown of your head in between your palms and raise your hips off the floor, straightening your knees and legs - Walk a few steps towards your head, only as much as possible - Bend the knees, tuck your thighs in your abdomen and chest and slowly shift the weight of your body from toes to head and arms. Balance is key here. - Carefully lift one foot off the ground, maintaining the balance and then the other foot. Ask for assistance if needed - Breathe regularly And remember, it's all controlled by your breath. Getting half way there is also a great start! Now let's see - It is your turn to give a twist to your perspectives with this pose. #mondaymotivation #yogagirl #malaikasmondaymotivation #balanceiskey #yogachallenge #yogaworld #yogaeveryday

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 कपोतासन करते हुए मलाइका अरोड़ा।

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Hello there, Divas! #malaikasmondaymotivation One of my biggest fitness rules is, holiday or no holiday, workout shouldn’t stop. Find some time to squeeze some sort of workout in your schedule. 
On that note, here’s #malaikasmoveoftheweek to get you started for an awesome week. Don’t forget to tag @thedivayoga and #malaikasmoveoftheweek . This week’s pose is is Modified Reclined Pigeon Pose
 1. To begin, come onto your back with your knees bent and your thighs parallel and hip-distance apart.  2. Cross your left ankle over your right thigh, making sure that your anklebone clears your thigh. Actively flex your front foot by pulling your toes back. 3. Pull your right knee in toward your chest, thread your left arm through the triangle between your legs and clasp your hands around the back of your right leg.  4. If it feels good for you, straighten the right leg and bring your head up towards the left shin. Keep pulling your right leg in to feel a nice stretch across your left glutes as well as the right hamstring. 5. Switch legs and repeat on the other side Have a happy week Divas!

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