A person adopted a unique method to get rid of corona tension, jumping in the lake for a year

Viral News / A person adopted a unique method to get rid of corona tension, jumping in the lake for a year
Viral News - A person adopted a unique method to get rid of corona tension, jumping in the lake for a year
In this period of Corona, people do a variety of work to get relief from stress but you will be surprised to know what a man did. To get rid of tension, a person of Chicago is leaping in the lake everyday for a year. In Chicago, the bus driver Dan Oconer jumped into Michigan Lake on Saturday for 365th day on Saturday. He said that to remove stress last year, the city of Montos Harbor started to jump in the lake.

Three children's father Okoner said, "During the epidemic, he was having a lot of stress and was very noisy due to the election year. I needed peace for which I did this because I used to feel calm inside the water

Once it is difficult to jump in the winter due to the acceleration of the lake, Oconer made a hole in it. Because of the snow, he said that when he reached home after leaping in the lake, he had almost 20 scratches on his body.

He said, "People started asking me how it is benefiting and how they can support it. When I started posting video on Twitter and Instagram, I got support for people and people began to compliment . He becomes my day to jump in the lake. It feels good to see it. Oconer said Saturday's day was special for me because it was completed a year.


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