Father fell on his own daughter during supernova game, three year old died

Viral News / Father fell on his own daughter during supernova game, three year old died
Viral News - Father fell on his own daughter during supernova game, three year old died
The relationship between father and daughter is considered to be the most loving relationship in the world, but a father became the reason for the death of a 3-year-old innocent daughter due to his own fault. In fact, the deceased innocent was playing with his father Robert Foley in the field near his house through a device called Supernova. During this, the father accidentally fell on his own daughter due to which she died.

Reports of the incident revealed that the girl suffered "serious head and neck injuries" after her father fell on her while she was playing. There was also an injury to the brain and spinal cord.

According to the New Zealand Herald news, the Supernova Play apparatus is a "big wheeled game that is played just above the ground". In this, it is rotated by using hands or running.

Reportedly, Amberly, the deceased child, was sitting on the highest part of the ring as her father, who was standing at the wheel, moved her to the right and then to the left, turning the child towards himself and then back to the other side.

Coroner Peter Ryan said Mr Foley lost balance after some time and as he tried to jump off the wheel, it turned around, causing him to fall on top of his daughter.

When he was landing, his entire weight went on his daughter, causing her serious injury and death.


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