Nurse started dancing in the hospital, when she saw the patient - VIDEO

Special / Nurse started dancing in the hospital, when she saw the patient - VIDEO
Special - Nurse started dancing in the hospital, when she saw the patient - VIDEO
Nurse Dance Video: When we are sick, nothing feels good, it seems that we get well soon. But it is also very important to keep yourself positive for a speedy recovery. Patients admitted in hospitals want to get well soon and go home. The nursing staff of the hospital come to the ward on their work and leave after performing the treatment procedure. But it happens very rarely that the staff does any action to improve the mood of the patient.

The nurse started dancing like this with the patient

A video is becoming fiercely viral on social media, in which a patient is lying on his bed. Then the two nurses present there dance on the popular music audio on Instagram. Seeing this, the mood of the lying patient also gets better. Not only this, while dancing, she claps her hands to support the nurse.

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This video went viral on the internet

This dancing video of nurse is being liked by people on the internet. More than 10 thousand people have liked the video uploaded on Instagram just a few days ago. People appreciated a lot after seeing the wonderful gesture of the nurse.


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