22-year-old 'Sehwag' suddenly disappeared from Team India, Michael Clarke said - two chances in the team

Cricket / 22-year-old 'Sehwag' suddenly disappeared from Team India, Michael Clarke said - two chances in the team
Cricket - 22-year-old 'Sehwag' suddenly disappeared from Team India, Michael Clarke said - two chances in the team
Cricket | Former Australia captain Michael Clarke has compared young cricketer Prithvi Shaw with India's legendary opener Virender Sehwag. Prithvi Shaw also likes to play in an explosive style like Virender Sehwag, but for some time Prithvi Shaw is not getting a place in the Indian team. Now former Australia captain Michael Clarke has supported 22-year-old Prithvi Shaw. Michael Clarke has given a big statement on the career of Team India's young batsman Prithvi Shaw. Michael Clarke has also raised questions on the management of Team India.

22-year-old 'Sehwag' suddenly disappeared from Team India

Michael Clarke while talking to 'Sony Ten' said that Prithvi Shaw is a great player like Sehwag. Sehwag was a talented cricketer who made the game of cricket exciting. A person like me likes Sehwag very much. Sehwag was an aggressive batsman at the top of the order, so Sehwag has been one of my favorite players. I want India to believe in Prithvi Shaw and give him further chances as he is still young.

failed on australia tour

India toured Australia in the year 2020-21. Prithvi Shaw was part of the Indian team on this tour, but Shaw had a disappointing performance against the hosts in the very first match of the four-match Test series, which was played in Adelaide. In this day-night match, Prithvi Shaw scored 0 and 2 runs in both the innings, after which he did not get a chance in other matches of the series.

ready to return

Shaw has been doing well in domestic cricket since then, but he has not been able to return to the Indian team. For IPL 2022, Delhi Capitals has expressed confidence in Prithvi Shaw and retained him for an amount of Rs 8 crore.


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