Colleges associated with this university will open in this state from June 1, the government has given instructions

Education / Colleges associated with this university will open in this state from June 1, the government has given instructions
Education - Colleges associated with this university will open in this state from June 1, the government has given instructions
Prayagraj Instructions have been given to open Allahabad Central University and all the related degree colleges from June 1. The university and its associated colleges were closed as a precaution on 9 April due to the Kovid epidemic. According to the instructions, universities and colleges will open only as per the Kovid Guidelines. During this time only office workers and officers will come to the office. Teachers and students will not be allowed inside the campus.

Here, three thousand fresh cases of corona (COVID-19) have been reported in Uttar Pradesh in the last 24 hours. According to data released by the Department of Health. 3957 new corona cases were found in the state today. In 24 hours, 163 people died due to infection. A total of 10,441 people were discharged from hospitals today. The number of active cases in the state now stands at 69,828. A total of 19,519 deaths have been recorded so far due to infection. 15,88,161 patients have succeeded in beating the corona.

Here, in the capital Lucknow, sewage water has been stirred by the confirmation of corona virus. PGI of Lucknow examined the sample of water. After which corona virus has been confirmed in water. The head of PGI Microbiology Department, Drs. Ujjwala Ghoshal informed that sewage sampling was started in the country by ICMR-WHO. In this, sewage samples have also been taken in UP.

Corona virus continues to wreak havoc in UP. Meanwhile, on Tuesday, ADG Law and Order of UP Prashant Kumar said that the family of the policemen who were martyred due to corona will be given job soon from the deceased dependent quota, in this regard, the mandate has been issued and the process is also going on. ADG LO said that the financial assistance sanctioned by the government is also being given to the families.


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