Covaxin crosses second stage of WHO approval, final decision will be taken in July

Coronavirus Vaccine / Covaxin crosses second stage of WHO approval, final decision will be taken in July
Coronavirus Vaccine - Covaxin crosses second stage of WHO approval, final decision will be taken in July
New Delhi: Pre-submission meeting has been successful on June 23 with the World Health Organization to approve the Covaxin of Bharat Health Organization (Who). In order to recognize the World Health Organization (WHO) to the Covaaxin), Bharat Biotech (Bharat Biotech) submitted in front of the Expression of Interest (EOI) on April 19, accepted this global organization. And it was pre-submission meeting on June 23, which was completely successful. Now in July, the Review of Bharat Biotech will be reviewed, after that the Covecien can get the WHO approval.

Completely Swadeshi Kovecen

Covecen (Covaxin) is India's first indigenous vaccine in the war against Corona virus. Kovecene has been built together by Bharat Biotech and Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR). Apart from Kovecene in India, the people of Kovshield and Speaky V vaccine are being set up more than 18 years old.

Data has not been completely published

Bharat Biotech's Coveaken data has not yet been completed internationally recognized, published in the Peer Review Journal. Bharat Biotech had said in the beginning of this month that after submitting the drug regulator, this data will be published within about three months. 


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