Covid-19 vaccine should be given to pregnant women read Indian Council for Medical Research Reply

India / Covid-19 vaccine should be given to pregnant women read Indian Council for Medical Research Reply
India - Covid-19 vaccine should be given to pregnant women read Indian Council for Medical Research Reply
New Delhi: The war against Corona continues in the country and in the world. Efforts are being made to win the battle against this infection by vaccinating people at the earliest. The question still in the minds of many people is whether pregnant women should be vaccinated? A reply has come from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) on this. ICMR Director General Balram Bhargava said on Friday that the Kovid-19 vaccine should be given to pregnant women, it is beneficial for them.

The Director of ICMR said that the Health Department has said in its guideline that the vaccine can be given to pregnant women. The vaccine is beneficial for pregnant women. They should be given the vaccine. While talking in a press conference regarding the situation of corona in the country, the ICMR doctor also told that there is only one country where children are being vaccinated.

It has been told by ICMR that a study has also been done on children up to 2-18 years. The results of this research can come by September. Will very young children ever need a vaccine? It still remains a question. It has been said by ICMR that until we do not have more data about vaccination in children, we cannot vaccinate children on a large scale.

ICMR Director General Balram Bhargava said that the government will soon issue guidelines related to giving vaccine to pregnant women. New research by ICMR has also revealed that pregnant women were greatly affected during the second wave of Kovid-19. Their death rate and their infection rate increased.


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