Delhi govt schools to hold live online classes for grades 11 & 12

Education / Delhi govt schools to hold live online classes for grades 11 & 12
Education - Delhi govt schools to hold live online classes for grades 11 & 12
New Delhi: Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sidodia on Thursday, 2 July, said that although government schools in the national capital are closed till the end of this month, learning will continue with a ‘human feel’.

Sisodia, who’s also Delhi’s Education Minister, said live online classes will be conducted by government school teachers for students of the 11th and the 12th grade. While classes would be held online, teachers would follow up with students through WhatsApp or phone class, in order to clear their doubts.

However, live online classes will not be held for students from kindergarten to Class 10 and they will instead receive daily exercises as well as feedback on tasks completed by them through WhatsApp or telephone calls.

Sisodia clarified that “teachers will connect through regular phone with those who do not have WhatsApp or smart phone”.

He also said that School Management Committees will be in active partnership with teachers and assist them in reaching out to parents. “We will ensure that students do not lose out on academics due to #COVID19,” he added.


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