Delhi vehicle pollution certificate check 10 thousand e challan

India / Delhi vehicle pollution certificate check 10 thousand e challan
India - Delhi vehicle pollution certificate check 10 thousand e challan
New Delhi : The capital will send an e-challan of 10 thousand rupees to those who do not get the pollution test of vehicles in Delhi. A notice will be sent to the vehicle owners before the challan, which will start from Tuesday. E-challan will be done if pollution check is not done even after seven days. According to a senior official of the Transport Department, there are more than 15 lakh vehicles in Delhi, which have not got pollution checks done on time. According to the official, till now the challan was deducted for not getting the pollution certificate at the time of checking the vehicles plying on the road. For the first time, a decision has been taken to deduct challans by sending notices to such vehicles.

Prepare the list of vehicles that did not get checked, the Transport Department has also prepared a list of such vehicles. Vehicles with BS IV standard in Delhi have to undergo a pollution test once a year. At the same time, BS3 vehicles have to be checked twice a year. 973 centers have been set up for checking vehicular pollution in Delhi. The government has approved this scheme of the department on Monday. The Transport Department will start issuing notices to these vehicles from Tuesday.

Notice to 1500 vehicle owners daily The officer told that 1000-1500 vehicles would be issued notices daily. Vehicle owners will have to get their vehicle pollution tested within seven days of receiving the notice. If they do not do so, they will be e-challaned. After which they will have to pay a fine of Rs 10,000.

What is the provision There is a provision of challan of 10 thousand rupees for driving a vehicle without conducting pollution check. After that, if caught again without pollution check, then DL can also be suspended for three months with fine.

Such vehicles will get exemption

The official said that there is a legal provision to exempt those vehicles which are not plying on the roads. "For example, a retired army colonel has written to the transport department that his son is abroad and his vehicle is parked in his garage," the officer said. So definitely the vehicles which are not plying on the roads are not required to get PUC.


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