Govt allows transportation of all essential, non-essential goods amid lockdown

Coronavirus / Govt allows transportation of all essential, non-essential goods amid lockdown
Coronavirus - Govt allows transportation of all essential, non-essential goods amid lockdown
New Delhi: The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Sunday asked states to allow transportation of all goods, without distinction of essential and non-essential, during the national lock-down to check the spread of COVID-19.

The MHA also reiterated that the newspaper delivery supply chain was also allowed under exemptions given for print media.

In a fresh letter to states and union territories, Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla clarified that all goods, without distinction of essential and non-essential, were allowed as per the first addendum issued to the guidelines of March 24.

He said the entire supply chain of milk collection and distribution, including its packing materials, has also been allowed during the lock-down period as well as the services of the Indian Red Cross Society.

Bhalla also said hygiene products such as hand wash, soaps, disinfectants, body wash, shampoos, surface cleaners, detergents and tissue paper, toothpaste and other oral care items, sanitary pads and diapers, battery cells and chargers also come under the umbrella of groceries.

Amid complaints that several of these services are not allowed, Bhalla asked states to inform district authorities and field agencies about this.


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