Monkeypox First case in india, High alert in Kerala 5 districts, Centre issues guidelines

India / Monkeypox First case in india, High alert in Kerala 5 districts, Centre issues guidelines
India - Monkeypox First case in india, High alert in Kerala 5 districts, Centre issues guidelines
Monkeypox in India: After the first case of monkeypox came to light in India, the central government has become alert. On Friday, a team of 4 experts sent by the Union Health Ministry is visiting Kerala, where the first case of monkeypox was found. The government has again issued guidelines, these are the same guidelines which were issued on 31 May. The state government has confirmed monkeypox in a 35-year-old man in Kerala, who had recently returned from a foreign trip. According to the new guidelines, only genome sequencing or rPCR test will be considered confirmed in the case of monkeypox. In India, 15 labs have been prepared to test for monkeypox.

Center again issued guidelines

If any suspected case of monkeypox is found, there are also instructions to send the sample to the National Institute of Virology, Pune for examination. Now this disease is spreading even in such countries where it was not already there, so the government has already issued guidelines so that the spread can be stopped. According to the guidelines, the person infected with monkeypox will be monitored and the patient will be kept in isolation for 21 days. A surveillance strategy has been proposed to identify the source of infection at the earliest. After the outbreak of monkeypox in a dozen countries, the World Health Organization has lowered its risk category from low to medium.

Apart from the central government, the state government is also making full preparations on its behalf. State Health Minister Veena George said after a high-level meeting that a high alert has been sounded in five districts- Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Alappuzha and Kottayam as people from these districts accompanied the infected person on the Sharjah-Thiruvananthapuram Indigo flight. Had traveled which reached here on 12th July. The minister said that 164 passengers and six flight crew members were present in the plane.

Kerala government prepared

The Health Minister said that quarantine centers will be set up in all these districts and 11 people sitting in the seats next to the infected person are in the list of high risk people. Apart from this, the patient's parents, an auto driver, a taxi driver and a skin doctor from a private hospital are also in this risk list. The minister said that the health workers are in contact with those suspected to have come in contact with the infected person and if they show fever or other symptoms, they will be tested, including for Kovid-19. He said that even if the symptoms of monkeypox are seen, the test will be done.

Cases of this virus are also coming from countries which are not connected to Africa in any way, where this virus has taken the form of an epidemic. The first case of this virus was reported in May and has spread to many countries till now. There is also increasing concern that if this virus spreads to wild animals, then it will be difficult to control.

Symptoms appear late

According to WHO, if this virus catches those with weak immune systems, then they fall ill soon and the risk will increase. The World Health Organization said that the sudden cases of monkeypox suggest that this infection is spread by humans. It spreads through contact with the skin or saliva of an infected person. The infected patient keeps roaming for several weeks without the identification of this virus and this is a matter of great trouble. Actually, it can take up to 7 to 15 days for the symptoms of monkeypox to appear.


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