Netaji was taking online meeting of thousands, suddenly started running porn videos

Viral News / Netaji was taking online meeting of thousands, suddenly started running porn videos
Viral News - Netaji was taking online meeting of thousands, suddenly started running porn videos
In Argentina, a leader faced embarrassment when someone hacked his zoom screen and started playing porn clips on it. The politician named Gustavo Bordet was holding an online youth event on Zoom. About a dozen leaders and activists were also involved in this event.

Gustavo is the governor of Entre Royce, a province in central Argentina. More than a thousand people took part in this meeting. The event was organized by youth members of the ruling party of Argentina. A video of this event was going viral when the porn video started playing in the zoom panel. However, the administration has immediately removed this official video. However, no one has been arrested in this case so far.

However, despite this, a graphic video went viral on Twitter in which the Vice Governor of Entre Ross can be seen as well as the porn clip can be seen in the background. The meeting was publicized as a generational meeting, and the meeting was to discuss political challenges, especially during the Corona epidemic.

Significantly, the culture of zoom meeting has increased throughout the world due to Corona epidemic. Along with this, hackers have also become quite active. Prior to this, there have been many incidents, from the meeting of a Parliament session in South Africa to the meeting of the British Football Club, where reports of porn running in these meetings have been revealed after these meetings were hacked.

Earlier in the month of August last year, a US teenager was accused of hacking Twitter accounts of many global stars like Barack Obama, Kim Kardashian. Due to the Corona epidemic, when the case of this teenager was going online, the action of that case was also hacked and during that case the hackers also played a porn video.


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