PM KP Sharma Oli loses confidence vote in Parliament

World / PM KP Sharma Oli loses confidence vote in Parliament
World - PM KP Sharma Oli loses confidence vote in Parliament
Kathmandu: Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has lost the confidence in Parliament. During the trust vote presented in Parliament, only 93 votes were cast in his favor, while he needed 136 votes in his favor. According to Article 100 (3) of the Constitution, he will have to step down as soon as the trustees lose.

124 votes against

35 members were absent from the house during the vote of confidence in the parliament. At the same time, 15 MPs did not vote in any favor. During this time, 124 votes against Oli. According to Article 100 (3) of the Constitution of Nepal, he will have to step down as soon as the trust vote is defeated. Oli's 28 MPs from his party, Nepal Communist Party UML, violated the whip and remained absent from the House.

Prachanda withdraws support

The Nepal Communist Party (Maoist Center), led by Pushpakmal Dahal 'Prachanda', withdrew support to the Oli government following which the Oli government faced a floor test. A special session of Parliament was called on Monday in Nepal amid political tussle.


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