PM Modi inaugurates 1.9-km-long 'Maitri Setu' bridge between India and Bangladesh

India / PM Modi inaugurates 1.9-km-long 'Maitri Setu' bridge between India and Bangladesh
India - PM Modi inaugurates 1.9-km-long 'Maitri Setu' bridge between India and Bangladesh
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday inaugurated the 'Maitri Setu' between India and Bangladesh via video conferencing, with his counterpart Sheikh Hasina saying that political boundaries should not become physical barriers for trade.

"Political boundaries should not become physical barriers for trade. The bridge over Feni river will also help Bangladesh's trade with Nepal and Bhutan," PM Modi's Bangladeshi counterpart said.

The Prime Minister inaugurated the bridge, built over the Feni river, which flows between the Indian boundary in Tripura and Bangladesh.

Tripura, which was pushed back by strike culture for many years, now working for ease of doing business, the PM said.

"With the opening of Feni Bridge, Agartala will become the closest city in the country to an international seaport," PM Modi said.

Terming it a "historic moment", Sheikh Hasina said, "Opening of any bridge is testimony to Bangladesh's continued commitment to support our neighbor India in strengthening connectivity in the region, particularly for Northeast India."

"Bridge over Feni river will also help Bangladesh's trade with Nepal and Bhutan," the Bangladesh PM said.

The construction was taken up by the National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd in India at a project cost of ₹133 crore.


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