PM praises COVID-19 +ve Ghaziabad woman for isolating herself to protect 6-yr-old son

India / PM praises COVID-19 +ve Ghaziabad woman for isolating herself to protect 6-yr-old son
India - PM praises COVID-19 +ve Ghaziabad woman for isolating herself to protect 6-yr-old son
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has hailed a mother of a six-year-old boy for her courage and positive thinking as she isolated herself from her son after contracting Covid-19.

Pooja Verma, who lives in Sector-6 of Ghaziabad, tested positive for the coronavirus along with her husband, Gagan Kaushik. Verma, her husband and their six-year-old son live in a three-bedroom apartment and after contracting Covid-19 in April, the couple made a tough decision and decided that all three would be isolated in separate rooms.

This was not easy for the six-year old who longed for his parent’s love while unable to understand what the coronavirus was or what Covid-related norms meant and what was the need for this isolation, Verma said.

He kept on wondering what wrong had he done that he had to stay in a room separate from his parents, she said.

In a letter to the prime minister, she narrated her ordeal as a mother who had to stay away from her child, through a poem she had penned.

The prime minister wrote back to her and while asking about the wellbeing of her family, said, “I am happy that even in difficult circumstances, you and your family have fought this disease by adopting Covid-compliant behaviour with courage.”

He said the ‘shastras’ have also taught us not to lose patience and to maintain courage in times of adversity.

Lauding the woman’s poem, the prime minister said it expressed the worry and anxiety of a mother when she is away from her child.

Prime Minister Modi expressed confidence that with her courage and positive thinking, Verma will continue to move forward and successfully face any challenge that comes in life.


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