The bride made a world record on her wedding day, wore a 7 KM long wedding dress, went viral

Viral News / The bride made a world record on her wedding day, wore a 7 KM long wedding dress, went viral
Viral News - The bride made a world record on her wedding day, wore a 7 KM long wedding dress, went viral
A case has been revealed from Cyprus where a bride made a world record on his wedding. The bride wore such a dress during the marriage, so that his name was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Record. It was a 7-kilometer long dress. In fact, the video of the woman with a dress has shared the Guinness World Record on its official Instagram account. This woman named Maria Perkeva, about 7 kilometers during her marriage

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Maria said in a statement that I had a dream since my childhood that I would make Guinness World Records of the Longest Wedding Well. Maria said that this wedding wale took about 6 hours to keep the right way in the ground and during this 30 volunteer was also present.

After sharing this video on Instagram page it has become viral. People were surprised at social media and giving reactions to this video. Some people appreciated it, some people started talking about this record.

Let's tell that during the wedding in many countries of the world, women wear white color dresses. Not only that their dresses are very long. And Maria Parascave also did the same in her marriage but it became a world record.


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