The second wave of Covid had a bad effect on pregnant women, ICMR said - definitely get vaccinated

COVID-19 Update / The second wave of Covid had a bad effect on pregnant women, ICMR said - definitely get vaccinated
COVID-19 Update - The second wave of Covid had a bad effect on pregnant women, ICMR said - definitely get vaccinated
New Delhi. Pregnant and evidence (giving birth to infants) Women are more affected by the first wave in the second wave of CoronaVirus in India and this year the rate of death has also been relatively high with the case and infection in this category. . This information was given in a study of ICMR. ICMR has suggested that pregnant women will definitely get vaccine.

Indian Medical Research Institute (ICMR) on Wednesday said that during the first wave of epidemic in India (April 1, 2020 to 31 January, 2021) and the second wave (till February, 2021 to 14 May) birth to pregnant and infants Comparison of infection related to women provided.

ICMR said, "The case of infection with symptoms in the second wave was 28.7 percent, whereas in the first wave this figure was 14.2 percent. After pregnant women and delivery, death rate was 5.7 percent, which was higher than the death rate of 0.7 in the first wave. '

2 percent women in the people killed in both waves

According to the study, 2 percent of the people killed in the two waves of the epidemic were those who recently gave birth to infants. Most of these women died due to problems related to pneumonia and breath related to Kovid-19. ICMR said, "This study underscores the importance of vaccination of pregnant and lactating women against Kovid-19." Recommended vaccine for all women's lactating women have been recommended.

However, the government has not allowed the vaccination of pregnant women while citing the lack of clinical trial figures. The National Technical Consulting Group (NTAGI) is discussing on vaccination about this. The World Health Organization (WHO) had recommended last week that if pregnant women are very threat to Kovid and if they have other diseases then they should be vaccinated.


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