This particular player does not like Virat anymore, he did not even like to play under the captaincy!

VIRAT KOHLI / This particular player does not like Virat anymore, he did not even like to play under the captaincy!
VIRAT KOHLI - This particular player does not like Virat anymore, he did not even like to play under the captaincy!
The Mega Auction of IPL 2022 is going to happen after a few days. Before the Mega Auction, all the 10 teams have retained their 3 players. In this episode, RCB retained Virat Kohli, Glenn Maxwell and Mohammad Siraj as their three players. At the same time, RCB did not retain Harshal Patel, who took a record 32 wickets last season. Harshal, who played the entire season under the captaincy of Virat Kohli, even after being dropped from the team, said that he thinks any other captain better than Virat.

Harshal told this player to be a better captain

Harshal Patel has recently made a big disclosure about his favorite captain. But the surprising thing is that this player is not Virat Kohli. Harshal, who took a record 32 wickets last season, while talking to a news website said that he wants to play for CSK next season under the captaincy of Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Apart from this, when Harshal was asked who is his favorite captain, he took the name of Mahendra Singh Dhoni instead of Virat. Harshal said this probably because despite his excellent performance, he was not retained by RCB.

RCB did not retain

Harshal Patel did an amazing job for RCB in IPL 2021. This bowler achieved the feat of taking a record 32 wickets last season. Apart from this, this deadly bowler also won the Purple Cap. But despite this, Harshal had to drop from this team, which was a really surprising decision. Now Harshal will once again give his name in the mega auction and it will be special to see which team buys him.

Auction will be held on this date

Actually, recently a new news has come out that IPL Mega Auction is going to be held on 11th, 12th and 13th February. According to media reports, some source of BCCI itself has cleared this thing. Let us tell you that this decision has been taken only after confirming the new franchisee from Ahmedabad and Lucknow. This year 8 not 10 teams are going to enter the auction. Apart from the 8 teams, the teams of Ahmedabad and Lucknow are also going to enter the auction.


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