Why didn't Covishield get Europe's 'vaccine passport'? The reason given by EMA

Coronavirus Vaccine / Why didn't Covishield get Europe's 'vaccine passport'? The reason given by EMA
Coronavirus Vaccine - Why didn't Covishield get Europe's 'vaccine passport'? The reason given by EMA
Why the European Medicine Agency (EMA) has come to the European Union by the European Union for the Green Pass. The Covisman of the EMA has not yet received clearance of the Covisman of the Serum Institute because he has no approval to sell his vaccine in the European Union. Let us know that the green pass is also being considered a vaccine passport of EU, it will be easy to go from one place to another place in Europe countries.

Responding to INDIA TODAY's mail, EMA's Communications Officer Jala Gradik said, "Covishered vaccine has no right to marketing in the European Union. Whether it is not only from the production technology of Astrajanika's Waxzeria. But in the construction circumstances, a change can also change the final product. ' It was said that the vaccine is biological products, so it happens.

The information was also given to the Covisman to the approval of EU. It was told that it will investigate the EU construction site and production process. Only then can clear the clearance. EMA was further stated that at the moment of Astrajanika, the marketing authority application was found only for Waxzeria vaccine. Whoever examined EMA and approved. It was told that if the vaccine will be applied from the productive, then it will be thought further.

EMA has so far approved four Corona vaccines. It includes comerunate (biotech-pfizer), modern, Waxzeria (Oxford-Astrajinika) and Johnsen (Johnson & Johnson). Indeed, Oxford-Astrajani has named his vaccine to his vaccine with serum institute in India. In Britain-European countries, its name is Vaxzeria.

Green pass system will get a certificate, which will be QR code. It will benefit that those who travel to European countries will not have to fall in the affair of the second Corona. It would be already written on these certificates when the passenger was vaccined, when his Corona was conducted or when he was cured by Corona.


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