COVID-19 Update / Corona virus is not new, it has wreaked havoc even 20,000 years ago, shocking revelation in research

Corona virus is not new to the destruction worldwide and 20,000 years ago, the person had come to contact, it is surprised. But according to a research printed in Current Biology, Corona virus has probably wreaked its outbreak in East Asia for more than 20,000 years ago.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 26, 2021, 04:42 PM
Canberra: Corona virus is not new to the destruction worldwide and 20,000 years ago, the person had come to contact, it is surprised. But according to a research printed in Current Biology, Corona virus has probably wreaked its outbreak in East Asia for more than 20,000 years ago.

Research has said that its remains have been found in DNA of modern China, Japan and Vietnam.

In the research paper published in 'Karant Biology', the genetic adaptation of Corona Virus Family has been received in 42 genes of modern population.

Due to Corona Virus Sars-COV-2, Kovid-19 global epidemic has taken the life of more than 38 lakh people around the world and has done economic loss of billions of dollars. The Corona virus includes related to the family and SARS virus, due to which there have been many fatal infections in the last 20 years.

According to Research, global epidemics are probably as old as human history. We have also faced global epidemics before. In the only 20th century, three types of influenza virus- 'Spanish flu' of 1918-20, 'Asian Flu' of 1957-58, and the 'Hong Kong Flu' of 1968-69, each of the millions of people. I had to know.

The history of infection caused by viruses and other pathogens is thousands of years old. After the drops of these viruses, many genetic marks remain behind.

Scientists say that viruses are simple creatures, which have a purpose, making their maximum copies, but their simple biological structure means that they can not reproduce freely.

Instead, they have to invade cells of other organisms and have to capture their molecular machinery. The virus contact with a specific protein born from the host cell and joins it, which we call viral interacting proteins (VIPs).

Scientists said that marks of ancient Corona virus met us in the genome of more than 2,500 people around the world. We received evidence of adaptation in 42 different genes of man who explains about VIP.

Scientists say that the origin of viruses before the Corona virus family has probably occurred at these places. This means that the ancestors of modern East Asian countries have been in contact with Corona virus about 25,000 years ago.

After this, and the test showed that 42 VIPs are mainly found in the lungs, which are most affected by Kovid-19. Scientists said that we have also confirmed that VIPs directly contact SARS-COV-2 virus responsible for the current epidemic.