Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 18, 2021, 08:09 PM
There has been a decrease in the cases of corona virus in the country for the last few days. Some states have also reduced their restrictions in the meantime. The question is also going on in the minds of many people that when will the schools open in the country? Information has been given by the government regarding this. NITI Aayog (Health), officer Dr VK Paul has given information about many important things during a press conference on Friday.Dr VK Paul has told that the national and state level board examinations were canceled due to the Kovid-19 epidemic. The central government has said that reopening schools that have been closed since Corona will be considered only when more and more teachers get the vaccine. Apart from this, only after further information about the impact of Kovid on the children will be considered for opening the school.Doctor VK Paul said that 'that time should come soon'. But we should also keep in mind how there were schools abroad and then they had to be closed again after the corona cases increased. We do not want to put our students and teachers in such a situation. Let us tell you that the World Health Organization and AIIMS have told in a study that children under the age of 18 years have developed antibodies that fight against Kovid-19. happened. Therefore, it is expected that the effect of the third wave of Corona will not be much on the children.Dr Paul said that but this does not mean that schools can open and children do not need to follow social distancing. Dr Paul said that 'there are many things about which we do not know yet. Reopening schools is a different issue. It is not just about students but also includes teachers and non-academic staff. The way the virus is changing its form, it has to be kept in mind. Today it is less effective among children but what if tomorrow it becomes more contagious?'