Solar Eclipse 2022 / Know in which city the last solar eclipse of the year will be visible in the country for how long

Zoom News : Oct 25, 2022, 02:47 PM
Solar Eclipse 2022: The second and last solar eclipse of the year took place on Tuesday in many countries of the world. A day after Diwali, today a partial solar eclipse will be visible in most parts of India including Kolkata. This celestial event will be better seen in the western and northern parts of the country, but this solar eclipse will not be visible in Northeast India as this astronomical event will happen after sunset in this region. Apart from India, it can be seen in Europe, North Africa, Central Asia and other regions of Asia.

The partial solar eclipse will start around Iceland at around 2.20 pm Indian time and will be fully visible in the Russian sky at 4.30 pm. The end of this solar eclipse will be over the Arabian Sea at 6.32 pm. On the new moon day, the Sun, Moon and Earth will be almost in a straight line. On October 25, the Sun, Moon and Earth will be on the same plane, so that the Moon will partially cover the Sun for a short time. Due to this, a partial solar eclipse will be seen in the areas falling in the shadow region of the Moon.

You will be able to see the live eclipse here

The solar eclipse that takes place in the country and the world can also be seen live sitting at home. It can be viewed on the Royal Observatory Greenwich's YouTube page and Facebook page. On the other hand, if we talk about seeing the solar eclipse in different cities of the country, then in Delhi it can be seen from 4.29 pm to 6.09 pm. But it will be at its highest level at 5:42 pm. During this time the Moon will cover 24.5 percent of the Sun.

The sight will be seen in these cities at this time

The solar eclipse will be visible in Kolkata from 4.51 am to 5.04 pm. In Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, the solar eclipse will start visible at 4:26 pm, which will last till 6.09 pm, while its highest level will be visible at 5.30 pm. In Mumbai, the solar eclipse will start visible at 4:49 pm, which will last till 6.09 pm, while its highest level will be visible at 5:42 pm. In South and Central India, the solar eclipse will last from 4:49 pm to 5:42 pm.

last solar eclipse of the year

The solar eclipse on Tuesday will be the last solar eclipse of this year. This year the first solar eclipse took place on 30 April. Now the solar eclipse falling on 21st May 2031 can be seen from India. After this, there will be a total solar eclipse on March 20, 2034, which can be seen completely from India. On the other hand, special preparations have been made to show the solar eclipse to the people at the Regional Science Center of the Zonal Science Center in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Here 3 big telescopes have been installed, through which the solar eclipse can be shown to the common people. Apart from this, a panel has also been prepared through technology, where people can clear their misconceptions. (also from input language)