India / Nitin Gadkari gave this advice to the farmers, said - doing this will make you rich

Vikrant Shekhawat : Sep 10, 2022, 10:26 PM
Nitin Gadkari advices Farmers: Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has advised farmers on Saturday. He talked about increasing the income of the farmers and said that better work will have to be done by itself. He said that they should form their own companies for marketing and export of agricultural products and not depend on the government. Gadkari said the government can step in where they (farmers) cannot find a solution to any problem.

own business advice

He was speaking at an outreach program organized jointly by his Agrovision Foundation and government body 'Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority'. The BJP leader said that 50 to 100 farmers should come together to form a Krishak Upaj Company, so that they can sell their produce in the open market. He said that such groups can also set up their own cold storage.

'Don't depend on the government'

The Road Transport and Highways Minister said, 'I (as a farmer) found a market for my produce, you should also find a market for your produce yourself. I want to tell you one thing, do not depend on the government.' He further said, 'You are the builder of your own socio-economic life.'

Gadkari also cited the example of Nashik farmer Vilas Shinde, who created a business worth hundreds of crores of rupees without any government subsidy or assistance. The Union Minister said that where farmers cannot solve any problem on their own, the government can take steps.