Sports / Olympian widow welcomes daughter 15 months after Alex Chumpy Pullin death

Vikrant Shekhawat : Oct 29, 2021, 09:40 PM
Sports | The widowed wife of late Olympian Alex 'Champy' Pullin has given birth to a daughter 15 months after her husband's death. Two-time world champion snowboarder Alex Pullin died at the age of 32 while spearfishing in Australia's Gold Coast in July 2020. Alex Pullin was the Australian contingent's flag bearer at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia and competed in a total of three Olympics. Alidi Pullin gave information about becoming a mother on Instagram. Sharing the photo with the daughter, he wrote, 'Our daughter.' Alidi became a mother on 25 October.

Alidi's daughter is named Minnie Alex Pullin. The baby girl is born through IVF or in vitro fertilization. He himself informed about it. The baby girl was born on October 25, but Alidi gave this information through an Instagram post on Thursday. Elidi's husband Alex 'Champy' Pullin was known to be a veteran diver and posted about his passion for spearfishing on social media.

Elidi Pullin announced in June that she was pregnant. She wrote on Instagram that she and her late husband "had been dreaming of their child for years. Your dad and I have been dreaming of you coming for years. In the middle of a heartbreaking incident," she wrote. I am honored to welcome you later.