National News / Defense Minister said - If you know the bravery of the Indian Army against China, then the chest will become wide with pride

Vikrant Shekhawat : May 21, 2022, 08:05 AM
Pune: Defense Minister Rajnath Singh had reached Pune on 20 May to attend various programs. Here he addressed the workers in a BJP program. In his speech, he also said some things on the border dispute with China. The Defense Minister said, 'I will not say much on the issue of tension between India and China on the border. But the kind of courage shown by our army and the charismatic work done, all I can say is that if all the details are made public, every Indian's chest will swell with pride.

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said that India is no longer a weak country. If anyone tries to tease India, it will not leave. He said, 'No power in the world can look up to India. Because now we are no longer weak, but have become a powerful country in the world. We will not tease anyone, but if someone teases us, we will not leave. The country is also trying to end its dependence on other countries for military equipment.

He said, 'India's stature, country's prestige has increased a lot in the last 8 years. Earlier, whenever India spoke in international forums, no one took it seriously. But today when India speaks on any global platform, the whole world listens. Weapons and defense equipment were procured only from outside. Nothing was made in India. Tanks, rockets, missiles and ammunition were all imported. I have made a list of 309 items. These items will not be bought from outside after a certain date. Its process has already started. Our country was considered to be the biggest importer, now it is among the top 25 exporting countries in the field of defence.

Rajnath Singh told BJP workers, 'You should never forget which party you belong to. BJP is the largest party not only in the country but in the world. He said that the ideology with which we started our journey shows that we do politics not just to form the government but to make the country. Ruled, others did too… Even after years of independence people had to face basic problems. Don't say that we have sorted out everything, but PM Modi's work is now visible on the ground.