Rajasthan News / Former MLA Divya Maderna sat in the police jeep, said- Arrest me...

Vikrant Shekhawat : Apr 04, 2024, 09:04 PM
Rajasthan News: A video of former Osian MLA Divya Maderna is going viral on social media. In this video she is seen sitting in a police jeep. He alleges that the police misbehaved with him over the phone. Thursday's incident took place in Balarwa village of Tinwari, Jodhpur. Where Divya had come to reprimand the Vigilance team of Discom. He says that these people have come to cut the connections of the farmers. On the other hand, Discom's JEN Durgesh Chandra interrupted him and said that he had come here to cut the connection. Meanwhile, the matter worsened and the police had to be called, due to which, while talking on the phone, he was misbehaved.

In the video, Divya is seen saying – Arrest me. Now if your jeep leaves from here, it will take me only. Divya alleged that the police misbehaved with the villagers and also misbehaved with her over the phone. Osian MLA has also released a video regarding the same matter. In this he is saying that the team had come to connect the connections that were cut during the time of Congress. Thursday's incident took place in Balarwa village of Tinwari, Jodhpur.

I have come because of the rudeness

In the video, Divya is seen saying that if you go to harass the villagers, you will already find Divya Maderna there. She is seen telling a policeman that he will not listen to you and will talk to your commissioner. Your ASI has misbehaved. I had said that I will leave for Bagarvas. After an hour, I have come because of your misbehavior and will not communicate with you. Will communicate with your commissioner. Listen with open ears, whenever Discom reaches the farmer's house, I will meet you ready there.

The jeep will take me

Divya tells the police officers not to call anyone. If JEN is not at the spot then what is the police doing? What is all this police force doing? Discom is not here otherwise what is the law and order. You take me with you, wherever your jeep goes it will take me only.

Discom's JEN Durgesh Chandra said that the farmer has a ten year old electricity connection in Chain Singh Nagar of Balarwa Gram Panchayat of Tinwari area. The connection was disconnected about 3 years ago. Since then he was complaining to the department to get the connection. Acting on his complaint, the department connected his connection on March 29. But someone disconnected that connection. In view of the dispute between other members of the family, today on the complaint of the farmer, the Discom team along with the police team reached here for connection.

Farmer Khetaram's allegation

Farmer Khetaram told that his connection was disconnected in the year 2022. Since then he was trying hard to get the connection done. Four-five days ago the Discom team had made the connection at his place. Which was cut by Arjun Ram son Chenaram. Its cable was removed. In this case, today the Discom team had arrived with police personnel to connect the connection.

MLA said – No one's connection was disconnected

After this video of Divya Maderna and the controversy came to light, Osian MLA Bhairaram Choudhary released his video and said - Today the administration team had gone to connect the connections which were disconnected by the previous government in Balarwa. Due to the dictatorship of the present Sarpanch representative, they are not allowing the connection to be connected. Therefore, when the administration went to the spot, some Congressmen started protesting. The dictatorial attitude of Congressmen will no longer be tolerated. The administration is doing its work. No one's connection is being disconnected.