World / Putin congratulates Biden after Electoral College confirms his win

Vikrant Shekhawat : Dec 15, 2020, 05:06 PM
Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 15 congratulated US President-elect Joe Biden on winning presidential elections following Electoral College sealing the results. The Democratic challenger defeated incumbent Donald Trump after state-by-state Electoral College vote that officially determines the next President of the United States. 

Kremlin, which had said that it would wait for the official results to roll out to officially congratulate Biden even though other world leaders had begun pouring wishes in November, reportedly said on December 15 that Putin is now “ready for interaction and contact” with the president-elect.

As per reports, Kremlin relayed Putin’s remarks for Biden who wishes “every success and expressed confidence” that both Russia and the United States could contribute to solving many global problems despite the budding differences. Putin reportedly underlined the responsibility of both nations for global security and stability and said that Russia is ready for ‘collaboration’ with the US President-elect.

Electoral College seals Joe Biden's victory

Biden’s speech on December 14 came after Electoral College had cast 306 votes for Joe Biden and Donald Trump trailed with 232 votes. These votes, that aligned with the previous results called by major American media outlets, will now be sent to the Congress to be counted formally next month. Even though some Republican lawmakers have reportedly indicated that they might object the results in battleground states, there is only a little they can do than delay the process during the joint session of the US House on January 6. Eventually, Biden is set to be inaugurated at noon on January 20 (local time).

After members of the Electoral College gathered in all 50 states and the District of Columbia to cast their ballots and declared Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential elections on December 14, the US President-elect hailed the nation’s democracy that “proved to be true”. Hailing his victory over incumbent Donald Trump, Biden said that the rule of the law and the US constitution along with the will of the Americans “prevailed” especially when Trump attempted to mount legal battles to undo the results of US Election 2020.