Rajasthan / Rajasthan bans bursting and sale of firecrackers from Oct 1 to Jan 31

Vikrant Shekhawat : Oct 01, 2021, 07:18 AM
Jaipur: The bursting and sale of firecrackers across Rajasthan has been banned from 1 October this year till 31 January 2022 to control air pollution, a new government said on Thursday. 

“Bursting of crackers has been banned in the state due to the harmful effects it has on the respiratory systems of those who have or are suffering from Covid-19," read the order. 

“One's immunity system is affected adversely by the smoke of crackers and it also harms the elderly, those suffering from asthma or other co-morbidities," it added. 

The government said that keeping in mind the health of the state's residents, it has decided to ban the sale and bursting of crackers for the above mentioned period. 

Delhi bans firecrackers

This comes days after the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) ordered a complete ban on the sale and bursting of firecrackers in the national capital till January 1, 2022.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had announced a ban on firecrackers on 15 September, saying it was "essential to save lives".

According to the DPCC order, several experts have indicated a possibility of another surge of Covid-19 and largescale celebrations by bursting of firecrackers will result not only in agglomeration of people in violation of social distancing norms but also a high level of air pollution leading to serious health issues in Delhi.

The bursting of firecrackers under the prevalent pandemic crisis is not favourable for the cause of larger community health given the significant relationship between air pollution and respiratory infections, it said.

"There will be a 'complete ban on bursting and sale of all kinds of firecrackers up to 1.1.2022 in the territory of NCT of Delhi," the DPCC's order stated.

Delhi's suggestion to neighbouring states 

The Delhi government had recently urged its neighbouring states, including Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, to ban firecrackers for tackling the issue of pollution that the national capital and surrounding areas face in the winter season.

In addition to this, the states were also given the suggestion to shift their public transport vehicles to CNG and adopt a policy to promote electric vehicles.