Delhi / Seeing the danger of Corona, Laxmi Nagar market closed till July 5, government issued order

Government has issued orders to close all the surrounding markets near Lakshmi Nagar Market by July 5. District Magistrate of East Delhi has issued this order. Under this, Lakshmi Nagar main market and surrounding Mangal Market, Vijay Chowk, Subhash Chowk, Jatram Park, Guru Ramdas Nagar will be closed to not follow Covid-19 proper behavior until 10 pm.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 30, 2021, 09:57 AM
Government has issued orders to close all the surrounding markets near Lakshmi Nagar Market by July 5. District Magistrate of East Delhi has issued this order. Under this, Lakshmi Nagar main market and surrounding Mangal Market, Vijay Chowk, Subhash Chowk, Jatram Park, Guru Ramdas Nagar will be closed to not follow Covid-19 proper behavior until 10 pm.

In the order of the District Magistrate of East Delhi, it has been said that for the prevention of Corona, there is a instructions for all necessary arrangements under the Central Government and Who Guidelines. In view of this, Delhi Disaster Management Authority has been issued directions from time to time. After the decrease in Corona cases in the last few days, all the markets in Delhi were ordered to open from 10 am to 8 pm. But in the next 2-3 months, Kovid is expected to come to the third wave of the epidemic. It is being told more dangerous than the first and second wave.

In such a situation, the authentity does not want to take any relief in security arrangements about the health of the common people. Therefore, with the responsibility of all business organizations and business institutions, all the business organizations and business institutions have been instructed to follow the COVID protocol. In order, it has been said that according to the SDM report of Preet Vihar, it has been seen in the last few days that the shopkeeper in Lakshmi Nagar and nearby markets are not followed by the shopkeeper, or other vendor Kovid Protocol.

Corona Guidelines is not being followed in the markets of Mangal Market, Vijay Chowk, Subhash Chowk, Jagram Park and Guru Ramdas Nagar along with the Lakshmi Nagar market. Therefore, the order of closing all these markets up to the upcoming July 5 at night is being issued. This order of the government will be considered applicable only from 10 o'clock in June 29.