World / Taliban ban contraception western conspiracy control Muslim population

Vikrant Shekhawat : Feb 18, 2023, 02:28 PM
Kabul. Taliban fighters have banned the sale of contraceptives in two of Afghanistan's main cities. He has claimed that the use of the sale of contraceptives by women is a Western plot to control the Muslim population. According to The Guardian, the Taliban has been going door to door, threatening midwives and ordering pharmacies to clear the shelves of all birth control drugs and equipment.

A shop owner in the city said, “They came to my store twice with guns and threatened me not to put contraceptive pills on sale. They are regularly checking every pharmacy in Kabul and we have stopped selling the products.’ A veteran midwife, who did not want to be named, said she had been threatened several times.

Order not to stock birth control drugs

He said he was told by a Taliban commander, 'You're not allowed to go out and promote the Western concept of population control and it's unnecessary.' The Guardian reported that Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif Other pharmacists have confirmed that they have been ordered not to stock any birth control drugs.

Taliban fighters patrolling the streets of Kabul

Another shop owner in Kabul said, 'From the beginning of this month items such as birth control pills and Depo-Provera injections are not allowed in the pharmacy and we are too scared to sell out of existing stock.' Reported that Taliban fighters patrolling the streets in Kabul told sources that 'contraceptive use and family planning is a Western agenda'.

"Not only is the Taliban's control over women's human right to work and study, but now their control over their bodies is outrageous," said Shabnam Nasimi, an Afghan-born social activist in the UK.