Bus Accident / The bus coming from Jaipur to Delhi burnt to death - two passengers burnt to death, many injured

Vikrant Shekhawat : Nov 09, 2023, 07:33 AM
Bus Accident: News of a horrific accident has been received from Gurugram. A massive fire suddenly broke out in a sleeper bus on the Delhi-Jaipur highway, in which two people were burnt to death and many people were injured. As soon as information about the fire was received, the fire brigade reached the spot and after much effort extinguished the fire. However, due to the efforts of the fire brigade team, the bus was completely burnt to ashes. Immediately after this, the Scene of Crime team also reached the spot. There is news of death of two people, while according to the information, five injured people have been admitted to Medanta Hospital and eight people have been admitted to Civil Hospital.

After the incident, there was a long traffic jam on the Delhi-Jaipur highway. It is being told that the bus is of Andhra Pradesh number. As soon as information about the incident was received, Police Commissioner Vikas Arora and DC Nishant Kumar Yadav reached the spot. The two people who died in the accident include an elderly woman and a young woman. The bodies of both have been badly burnt and the bodies have been sent for post-mortem. Meanwhile, Police Commissioner Vikas Arora said that the bus was going from Sector-12 of Gurugram to Mirpur and there were about 35 workers in it.

He told that this incident happened on Sector 31 flyover and many other passengers got burnt in this accident. In the accident, two people died on the spot and more than 10 people were badly burnt.