Viral News / The photo was clicked with friends in the flat, the woman was surprised to see 'ghost face'!

Zoom News : May 27, 2021, 04:41 PM
Very few people believe in ghost stories, but what happened in Coventry, England is very shocking. A group of female friends took photos here. There were seven women in this group, but when they saw the eighth figure in the photo, everyone lost their sweat. 30-year-old Rebecca Glassbro, who lives in Coventry City, uploaded this photo on social media, stating that when she looked carefully at the photo, her sleep blew. Throughout the night, the eighth terrible image wandered in her mind, which she could not understand, what it was.

Rebecca said that she took this picture in October last year at a neighbor's flat with a group of six other friends. She had a total of seven friends in this picture, but the eighth odd figure frightened her badly. When they looked back, there was nothing but the ghostly figure of the eighth woman with long black hair on her head.

The old woman living on the flat in which this photo was taken told that the photo of the eighth woman in the photo was quite scary, which was crawling on the screen. It is also rumored that someone died while taking a bath in the bathroom of this flat. Rebuka admits that his building is haunted, where spirits wander.

Rebecca said that the old woman living in the flat believes that the block of her flats was once an old factory and she has heard from a neighbor that the flat in which the photo was taken was taken while bathing in the flat. The person was killed. While she was surprised to give this photo, the woman living in her neighborhood told that "Well, you should be afraid of the living more than the dead."

He told that 'We have heard some noise sometimes, but it was not strange, we always felt that there was a sound coming from the neighbor's place, but we are not really sure.

At the same time, when Rebecca shared this photo on social media, she received a large number of comments. There is also a saying that "it's really weird" and many people have said that it looks like a woman with long brown hair, others say it looks like a man. "