Oncolytic Virus / This virus will eliminate cancer, the first clinical trial done on humans

Vikrant Shekhawat : May 25, 2022, 07:49 AM
Oncolytic Virus Therapy: During a clinical trial, doctors have given a human injection of a virus, which aims to kill cancer cells in the body. This virus has shown positive results on animals. According to research, this treatment is called oncolytic virus therapy.

destroys cancer cells

Oncolytic virus is a form of immunotherapy that uses viruses to infect and destroy cancer cells. Experts have noted that viruses infect our cells and then use the cell's genetic machinery to replicate

Trial will be done on 100 patients

This new cancer killing virus is known as Vaccinia. It is designed to kill cancer cells and avoid healthy cells. The Newsweek report mentioned that the trial will take about two years to complete. Under this, 100 cancer patients will be tested across the US.

helps the immune system

According to cancer research company Imugene Limited, this treatment can also help people's immune system against cancer. Let us tell you that this company is developing the virus vaccine. Its full name is CF33-hNIS VAXINIA.

Experts raised hope

According to the EurekAlert report, from the first phase of this oncolytic virus therapy trial against tumours, experts hope that the virus enhances the body's immune response against cancer.Oncolytic Virus: This virus will eliminate cancer, the first clinical trial done on humans

Oncolytic Virus Therapy: During a clinical trial, doctors have given a human injection of a virus, which aims to kill cancer cells in the body. This virus has shown positive results on animals. According to research, this treatment is called oncolytic virus therapy.

destroys cancer cells

Oncolytic virus is a form of immunotherapy that uses viruses to infect and destroy cancer cells. Experts have noted that viruses infect our cells and then use the cell's genetic machinery to replicate.

Trial will be done on 100 patients

This new cancer killing virus is known as Vaccinia. It is designed to kill cancer cells and avoid healthy cells. The Newsweek report mentioned that the trial will take about two years to complete. Under this, 100 cancer patients will be tested across the US.

helps the immune system

According to cancer research company Imugene Limited, this treatment can also help people's immune system against cancer. Let us tell you that this company is developing the virus vaccine. Its full name is CF33-hNIS VAXINIA.

Experts raised hope

According to the EurekAlert report, from the first phase of this oncolytic virus therapy trial against tumours, experts hope that the virus enhances the body's immune response against cancer.