World / Turkiye Earthquake NDRF dog squad Romeo and Julie safely rescue 6 year old girl

Vikrant Shekhawat : Feb 13, 2023, 12:36 PM
Operation Dost: Relief and rescue work is going on amidst the devastating earthquake in Turkey-Syria. Many countries of the world are helping Turkey and Syria in this difficult situation. India is also included in these. India has started "Operation Dost" to help both countries after the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

Under this operation, NDRF teams are working in earthquake affected areas. Due to these efforts of NDRF, the life of a 6-year-old girl trapped in the debris has been saved. Two Indian sniffer dogs - Romeo and Julie played an important role in getting the girl out of the debris safely. With the help of Julie and Romeo, the girl was pulled out of the debris after 80 hours. Since then there is a lot of discussion of Julie and Romeo in Turkey.

How did you save the life of a 6-year-old girl?

First Julie went inside the debris, when she saw the baby girl alive, she started barking… This confirmed the presence of the baby girl inside. After that Romeo went inside the debris and then he confirmed that the girl was alive. After this, the life of a 6-year-old girl was saved.

Tell that till now more than 34 thousand people have lost their lives due to the strong tremors of the earthquake and the search and rescue operation is going on even after 7 days.