Horoscope 11 October 2021 / Which zodiac signs are being kind to Goddess Katyayani today, see today's horoscope

Vikrant Shekhawat : Oct 11, 2021, 06:58 AM

Horoscope Today, today's horoscope, on Monday, October 11, on the sixth date of Navratri, the communication of the moon will be in Sagittarius in the afternoon. Today, Shani Maharaj is also changing his zodiac sign in Capricorn and is getting way. To know how the change in the position of the planets will affect all the zodiac signs on the first day of the week, see today's horoscope.

Today you will be very busy and will keep running for the work of others more than yourself. Therefore, today will be spent in charity. There may be some changes in your favor in the workplace as well, due to which your colleagues may be jealous of you. But you will be able to normalize the atmosphere with your good behavior. Due to poor health of the wife, some problems may have to be faced at night. You can get a lot of help from friends today. Today luck will support 78 percent.


Today is a better day for you. Time will be good with family members. Good news can also be received till noon and there will be happiness in the family. There is a need to be health conscious. Some disease can trouble you again today. There can be joy with the arrival of the long awaited guest. Your respect will increase by participating in any auspicious work at night. Today luck will support 80 percent.


By the grace of the planets, today you will get those things which you wanted to achieve. With the grace of higher officials, the desire to get a valuable item can be fulfilled today. Due to being stuck in some work, the busyness will be more, avoid unnecessary expenditure. Be careful while using speedy vehicles from evening till night. Take care that there is no accident. Desired accomplishment can also happen from the wife's side. Your popularity among relatives will increase. Today luck will support 80 percent.


Today your stars can try to touch the heights. Suddenly a large amount of money can be obtained and happiness can come in the house. Business plans will gain momentum. State honor and prestige will increase. A decision taken in haste and emotionality can lead to remorse later. Take any decision only after due consideration. Take advantage of Dev Darshan from evening till late night and focus on God bhajan. Today luck will support 87 percent.

Leo sun sign:

The day is auspicious for you and you will get expected success in the field of politics. Responsibility towards children will also be fulfilled. You can get some good news related to the career of children. You will get good news related to competitive exams. The pending work will also be completed. Digestion may slow down and eye disorders are possible. From evening till night time will be spent in the darshan of loved ones, humorous jokes. Take special care of food and drink. There may be weather related diseases. Luck will support 89 percent today.


Today you will get success in your efforts. You will get success in whatever you are doing. You will get happiness from relatives and your work will be completed. There will be happiness in family auspicious works. You will enjoy creative work. Control your anger when an adverse situation arises. The problem of the householder will be solved. State help will also be available. Some of your work trapped in the government office can be completed today. There are chances of sudden gains at sunset. Today luck will support 78 percent.


May your zodiac signs get to do all the things that you want to do. There are chances of special achievement in the field of education and competition. There will be new sources of income and you will get respect as well as praise. Due to the rush, the weather can have an adverse effect and you may fall ill. Spouse's support and companionship will be available. There are chances of going on a journey, your mind will be happy. Today luck will support 80 percent.


Today is an auspicious day for you and your financial side will be strengthened and wealth, respect, fame, fame will increase. The stalled work will be completed and there will be a meeting with loved ones. Failure to control speech can lead to adverse situations. If you say anything thoughtfully, you will be in profit. The mind will be happy by meeting loved ones in the evening and there will be an opportunity to have fun in the night. Today luck will support 75 percent.


Today is going to be a special day and you may spend money on household items. There will be an increase in the means of enjoying worldly pleasures. Today you may get some kind of stress due to subordinate employees. Be careful in the transaction of money, money can get stuck. During the day, you may have to go round the state affairs court, in which you will win. Luck will support 84 percent today.


Today is an auspicious day for you and you will be happy to have favorable benefits in the business field. The economic condition will be better than before. Business change is being planned. Success in competitive exams and family responsibilities will be complete. Traveling to religious places in the evening will bring peace in your mind. Be careful in using the vehicle, due to accidental damage to the vehicle, the expenses can increase. Today luck will support 80 percent.


The direction of the planets is not very favorable on this day. Due to the moderate position of the zodiac lord Saturn, the wife may suffer sudden body problems. There may be a situation of running around and spending more. Before buying and selling a property, carefully consider all the legal aspects of the property. Take a look before making any deal. In the evening, the health of the wife will improve. Today luck will support 80 percent.


Today is a pleasant day. Married life will be pleasant. Today there can be a journey near and far. There will be a lot of happiness with the increasing progress in the business. Students will get rid of mental intellectual load. Some important information can be found while walking in the evening. Your mind will also relax. Parents' advice and blessings will prove useful. Today luck will support 68 percent.