Viral News / 15-year-old girl gave birth to a child without making a physical connection, scientist also surprised

Zoom News : May 13, 2021, 06:51 AM
London: A 15 year girl has given birth to the child in the UK. But there is a surprise that neither the girl knew that she was a pregnant nor she had ever made a physical relationship. However, in the meantime the knife was killed in the stomach and he was admitted to the hospital.

Blind Vegina in the girl's body!

The girl who is talking about was only 15 years old. He went to the hospital and he told that two boys in his stomach have killed a knife. Surprisingly, the genitala (Vagina) was not fully developed in the girl's body. Because the girl's body was Blind Vejina (Blind Vagina), which was only 2 centimeters. That is, neither could they intercourse nor could be pregnant.

This report was published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gayoncology 'Oral Concepination: Impressions Via Proximal Gastrointestinal Tract in Patient With Anin Applastic Distel Vejina'. The girl told that she knew that she is not Vejina. That's why he used to do oral sex. The girl told that she never came to Periods. But he did not believe that he was pregnant. His stomach was flourished for 9 months, he did not take care of this.

Oral sex pregnant

Doctors said that he has been pregnant with Oral Sex. The girl was also surprised. Then doctors told the reason behind this. Doctors told the girl that maybe a spermatozoa (Spermatozoa) has reached the reproductive organs through the wound of the stomach. In order to reach it there, Higher PH has helped Saliva. Because when the knife wounds were surgery then the girl's stomach was empty. That is, acid was not built in the body. If acid was constructed, then the sperm does not go to the reproductive organ. In such a situation, he became a mother without physical relations.