Madhya Pradesh / After rape stick put in private part of woman accused arrested singrauli district

Vikrant Shekhawat : Aug 14, 2022, 08:20 PM
Madhya Pradesh | A heart-wrenching incident has been carried out in Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh. Here a man has been accused of raping a woman and then putting a stick in her private part. It is being told that when the woman protested against the accused, she committed this horrific act. The woman has been badly injured in the incident, who is currently undergoing treatment in the hospital.

The police station in-charge of the area has informed the media that the woman was sleeping in her house on the night of 12-13. Only then did this young man enter the house and do wrong things with the woman and then put a stick in her private part. After this, the woman along with her husband and other relatives lodged a case in the police station.

At present, the police has arrested the accused. In some media reports about this incident, it has been told that the age of the woman is 35 years and the age of the young man is 30 years. The young man was in love with the woman unilaterally. It is also being said that a few days ago the young man had pressurized the woman to have a physical relationship. But the woman refused it. After this this cruelty has been done to them.

It is also coming out that the accused youth is the neighbor of the woman. When the woman opposed him at the time of the incident, he also attacked her with a stick. On the complaint of the woman, the police have registered a case against the accused under 376.